In Christ Vision ministries, we are really committed to our calling. God told Bishop Patrick Muhumuza to preach the Gospel to the poor and to declare liberty to the captives,[ spiritual captives and physical captives], those who are in prisons and remand homes. Luke 4:18-19
In our ministry, we have an outreach team that visits prisons and remand homes every Sunday after service and on other appointed times to those prisons and Remand homes that are outside Fort portal town in other districts of Uganda. In this prisons ministry, we have faced some challenges, some of these prisoners are being tortured illegally and some are suffering so much due to lack of proper care , i.e. poor feeding, being over worked, lack of clothing, lack of cosmetics resulting into skin rashes and diseases.
In this regard, these prisoners need both spiritual and material assistance.
We therefore call upon international prisons outreach ministries and humanitarian aid organizations to intervene with material and spiritual assistance respectively.

The sick people who are admitted in hospitals are in two categories; there are some who are attacked by diseases,[ normal sickness],that can be treated by doctors with medicines and there are some who are attacked by demonic powers of Satan.
And you find both of these sick people admitted in the hospitals. we believe that our Lord Jesus Christ has power to heal and set free all those who have physical and spiritual sicknesses.
In Christ vision ministries, we have a spirit filled team of ministers that go in hospitals preaching and praying for the sick people.
This outreach team to hospitals is lead by Brother Mugume J and through this ministry, God has done a number of things, many are getting healed miraculously and the demon possessed getting delivered by the power of God. [James 5:14-16, Luke 9:1-2].
We therefore call upon prayer warriors and intercessors from all over the globe to join hands with us in prayer for the sick people who are in hospitals.
Remember on the judgment day, Jesus will ask you, when i was in the hospital did you come to see me? , when we visit and pray for these people we are doing the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, be watchful!!

We have seen that there is a great need of mosquito nets and insecticides because malaria is becoming the most threatening killer disease both in adult and infants.
There is another special need of counseling people living with HIV/AIDS and lack of proper nutrition both in adults and infants.
In this issue, we therefore call upon the government sectors, NGOs, individuals, health institutions and food institutions to join hands with us in order to address these special needs.
Jesus said, “go therefore and make disciples of all nations” in this generation, there is a necessity of visiting the places where the people are, with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, .Matt 28:19.
In our generation today, the youth carries the biggest population in the world and the best way of reaching them with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is by visiting schools, colleges and institutions of learning.
In Christ vision ministries, we have a team of youth evangelists that visit schools both primary and secondary schools, vocational institutions, colleges, and other institution of learning with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and this has brought many youth to the Lord hence entering into the promises as its written in [1Tim 4:12,Joel 2:28].
In this regard we call upon Christian youth ministries and ministers with moral Christian characters from all over the world to come and interact with our youth in Christ vision ministries and Uganda at large.

Some of the challenges we are facing in this school outreach ministry, is that students love the word of God but they are lacking bibles, tracts, Christian magazines, which can enlighten them with the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.