You are welcome to an exciting and powerful time for revival , where we all look forward with great anticipation to what the lord is about to do.
You are welcome to an exciting and powerful time for revival , where we all look forward with great anticipation to what the lord is about to do.
- In Jan believers and leader s conference and crusade.
- In April -youth conference and camps
- In Aug -Annual Prophetic Celebration For All Nations
-We shall be having leaders conference whereby we expect people to come from all over the great lakes region, i.e Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and DRC.Date and venue will be communicated.
In these conferences,
-Your hunger and thirst for God will be stirred up.
-You will receive anew and fresh anointing of prayer and intercession.
- Your calling, vision and ministry will be released and reactivated.
- You will receive an anointing of taking Nations and cities for Jesus
- Leaders will be envisioned and equipped with skills for break through in life and ministry.
-The anointed and powerful session of praise, worship and prayer will usher you in an over whelming presence of God.
As the body of Christ, we have entered into a new season, a time of supernatural happenings God has poured forth anew prophetic and apostolic anointing in greater dimensions he is equipping the church with strategic warfare method of prayer and intercession, releasing a new level of spiritual authority and mandate to destroy the devil works and expand the kingdom of God.
Many are being empowered for kingdom work to bring healing for the Nations and restore hope to a suffering humanity.
This is a special time where you take a step into your next level of Gods anointing and pursue your destiny and boldly move into your victory.
In these conferences God does exceedingly great things which become a historical event and a turning point in people’s lives and ministries.
In these conferences, if you are either to impact the body of Christ or be a carrier of revival fire and to do exploits for God and impact your generation, this is your appointed time, plan now to attend.
Please invite another person with you and God will bless you.
Please invite another person with you and God will bless you.
During the conference, you will meet a line up of nationally and internationally renown speakers whose ministries will transform and impact your life and ministry.
National and International delegates from all the parts of the world attend and participate
In these life changing revival conferences.
Don’t miss, contact us at
Don’t miss, contact us at